A second expedition for Shazilar is scheduled, but this time, it is Rasheeda Burid's turn to discover the Valley. And the world will never be the same...
The Caliph chose a White female and penetrated her anus. Rasheeda expressed her surprise that people could make love in public in a society based on Islam, but it made Ahmed al Rhazul smile ; for Shazilarians, public display of nudity was highly respectable, as Shazilar was for them the garden of Eden where they had been granted back by Allah himself. Of course, it was not seen as very elegant to make love in public ; it was seen as something quite intimate, reserved to family or a circle of friends. Though actually, the Caliph was not in the process of making love : he was mounting a white female !
21 pages 10 Full Resolution Drawings A small text (8400 words)