The discovery of a cargo ship full of strange White women in chains puts the world in turmoil. Under pressure, President N`Gania reveals the existence of the Valley of Shazilar...

Kassim Neffuz, the brother of the Minister, had many farms to manage in the family domain, and he was very rarely coming to visit the fields and the hutches of the uprooting-slaves. Heidrun had just passed a year in this horrible place and she had seen him only three times. Against all expectations, the white slaves appreciated to receive his visit, a kind of festive time that was distracting them from their awful daily routine.
And yet, Kassim Neffuz loved to oversee the unfortunate slaves when they were doing their needs, a habit that was very humiliating for them.
As a general rule, the slaves had to do their natural needs at the same moments of the day, to avoid a loss of time ; though, if the overseers were getting quickly rid of that task, Kassim Neffuz enjoyed a lot making it a precision mechanism. A snap of the fingers for producing liquid, two snaps of the fingers for producing solid. He enjoyed starting with one process, then making the slaves stop and ordering the other, with combinations more and more complex. His cane was there to punish the ones who didn't go fast enough, who were missing the bowl, who didn't have finished after the final snap of the fingers or, on the contrary, who had done it too fast — and of course the ones who were doing nothing !

10 Full Resolution Drawings
6200 words
19 pages

